Digital Posts (Blogging Platform)

Digital Posts is a modern blogging platform featuring dual authentication, AI-assisted article creation, user subscriptions, likes and comments, notifications, search, and account management. Built with Laravel 11, vanilla JavaScript, Bootstrap 5, and MySQL.

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FlyBird(Social Media)

The platform allows users to connect, share and engage in a dynamic virtual world. This project demonstrated my abilities in full-stack web development, front-end design, and database management.

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Todolist App

Revolutionize task management with our TodoList app, adapt tasks with a user-friendly interface. Prioritize, search, and set due dates for efficient organization and focus.

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FeedDesignId (Static Page Catalogue)

FeedDesignId is an online platform designed to help you market your business with eye-catching Instagram post designs. We offer a wide range of creative and professional designs, tailored specifically for small businesses and SMEs.

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Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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